Daddy’s Girl? More like Daddy’s World!: Happy Father’s Day!

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

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Well, well, well, hello, everyone! We have a lot to cover, so let’s jump right into it! Tomorrow is Father’s Day, and unlike what statistics may say, I have the blessing and privilege of having my Black American father in my life. When I first thought about writing this post, I almost was going to make a quick post because there are not enough words that would even begin to describe the type of my father I have. But first, let me give y’all some backstory…

My father and I did not start off in the best ways. He didn’t even know him, and my mom was having a girl until I was actually born. Although my mom just knew I was a girl, my dad did not want to get his hopes up, being that he was already a father of all boys. It wasn’t until the doctor said, “It’s a girl!” that my father then really accepted the fact that he had a baby girl 14 years later after the youngest brother.


From that day on, my father carried me in ways that many fathers would not have done, girl or boy. Sorry if I sound cliche, but I became his world. Now, I am not conceited, but I have seen with my own eyes what my father has sacrificed for me, mostly financially. There were many times I would get upset with him because I knew he was spoiling me in ways that many daughters wish they had. But then he would always say, “There’s only one of you in this entire world, and you can never be replaced.” He would say that when I wanted to go to a party my senior year of high school, and he wasn’t too thrilled about it. He said that when I studied abroad in England, my Junior year of college. I just could never (ever like never) understand why he would say that so much and why he was so protective. As a child, our parents say things that we just don’t understand. But when a parent goes through things…the tables turn very quickly.


I’m not going to get into details, but there were a few times in my life where my father should not have been here. Between sickness and accidents, every year, I got to celebrate his birthday or another Father’s Day, I would thank God. I finally understood why my father would say, “You can’t be replaced.” My father is not only a beyond amazing dad, but he is a faithful husband, a great son, brother, and to top it off, he is a trustworthy Pastor. I don’t take things like Father’s Day or sometimes a regular Wednesday for granted because I still don’t know what tomorrow holds. I feel like I could have done a better job being a daughter growing up, and I still think that way. But there was one thing that I made sure to make my dad proud, and that was get my education. UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_164e

So dad, I really hope I can continue to live up to your expectations. (Which are high 😁 haha). All jokes aside, thank you for everything you have done for me. I celebrate you today because “There’s only one of you!”. I love you, Daddy!

Blessed Even More: Before I sign off, there are four more men I would like to thank for Father’s Day:

(From Left to Right: Grandaddy, Papa, Godfather, and Mr. Miller ). So if you thought my father has my heart, you haven’t seen me with my Grandfathers. Just a little fun story: My Papa (in the middle, my dad’s father,) is one of the funniest, laid-back, smooth, nicest guys you’ll probably ever meet in your life. He’s cool with everyone. But when I started dating my boyfriend, he was giving him a hard time (in a playful way). I was shocked because Papa is usually really cool, but this was one of the first times I really saw him so protective. Papa opens in the car door for me, walks me to my car, holds the umbrella for me. I always knew my future husband should treat me like my father did, but my grandfathers have always treated me like a princess. I spent some time with Granddaddy (my mom’s dad) today. I felt bad that I didn’t have a card or a gift, and he looked at me and said, “You are more than any gift I could get.” I hold them both in my heart so much, and as they get older, I try and cherish these moments I have.

My Godfather has always been there for me! I get to call him my Uncle and my Godfather. Whether it’s cracking jokes with me when I go down to visit them or telling me how proud he is of me, my Godfather has done an excellent job of being another great father-figure in my life. I thank you for being there for me and supporting me from high school up until graduating with my Master’s. I am blessed and grateful for what you have done! ❤

The last father I would like to give the spotlight to is my boyfriend’s father. Now, Mr. Miller is one of a kind. It wasn’t like when I met Momma Miller where I was sweating and was so nervous. I had a different type of tense feeling meeting Mr. Miller because he would walk in the house, see me sitting in the kitchen, and say, “Oh, hello there.” but in a way like, “Oh oh…Akeem brought home a girl I see!” In an amusing way. He is a man of very little words, but it’s his actions that I really paid attention to. He works…hard! He has a love for his family, just like my father. Just like Mrs. Miller and the whole Miller family, he welcomed me with opened arms. We don’t have to exchange many words, but he should always know how grateful I am to him for being an example for his son. I thank him for being so nice to me and really making me feel welcomed. My respect for him is great, and I consider him another father-figure in my life. I thank God for that because this situation could have been different, but it’s the way it is, and I am blessed.

As I wrap up this blog, I want to do something similar that I did for my Mother’s Day blog last month. I never want to forget the ones who are grieving during this time of year. I found some tips and things to remember if you are having a difficult time during this day. If you are grieving today or you know someone who is having a hard time, I really hope this helps ❤ If you would like to know more, click this link.


Well, folks, that’s all for now. To my Writing Is… fathers, please have a great Father’s Day! Good fathers deserve to get spoiled on their days too! Never forget that!

For Next Week:

Fasten your seatbelts because I will be taking a trip down memory lane with a famous boy band that often made me ask the question, “Am I black enough if I listen to them?” Find out the whole story next week!

‘Til Next Time! ❤

Why I Deleted My Social Media

Happy Ruby to You!



6 thoughts on “Daddy’s Girl? More like Daddy’s World!: Happy Father’s Day!

  1. Such a nice post about your father! He has many reasons to be proud, it seems!


  2. sheila bullock June 17, 2019 — 4:26 AM

    Dear Lillian,I thoroughly enjoyed your post about your Father, and all your Father figures. I agree that you are beyond blessed and have a legacy of men to share with your children one day.Thank you for taking the time to share with the world.Love,Mom


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