Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes


This saying was something I’ve heard all of my life. (Just found out it was quoted by Woody Allen!) Anyway, It’s probably one of the truest statements and the most accurate phrase ever. By now, everyone knows that my fiancé and I were not supposed to be back in the US until July. Due to COVID-19, we had to make an unexpected return home five months earlier than expected. We didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to our students, and all of our stuff is sitting in our apartments collecting dust. I kept hearing my family tell me, “it’s only because of God” that we both are back safe and healthy. Of course! We are the ones that know more than anyone that it was only God who brought us back home after traveling in the air for 24 hours total. But things weren’t perfect once we came home. It’s hard enough not to be able to hang out with my family or hold my nieces like I usually would, but I was out of a job with a snap of a finger.

I was applying by the dozens every week and heard nothing. It was challenging to go from one lifestyle to another within the matter of a few weeks. I asked God multiple times, why now, at this point in my life? I finally was able to travel like I wanted, I was making good money. How come now is the time that it all went away so fast? He said, “Relax. Trust me. The time is now.” I was like…..okayyyyyyyy. Time for what? LOL. I am humbled to say that I became the CEO of KandidKaveena, LLC, where I offer different services to help you take your business to the next level with social media managing, proofreading, and more.

This is something I’ve wanted to do for years but never had the confidence to do it. Getting closer to God and staying home…actually saved me. I’ve been so focused. Maybe even a little more than when I was in school. I’m not worried about morning traffic, or I need to pick up bandaids from Walgreens lol. I had no choice but to discipline myself and make a schedule. It was difficult at first, of course, because we’re not used to this lifestyle. If I was still in China, I wouldn’t have started this business at all. Eventually, I would have, but I just kept putting it off because I didn’t think I could do it. I went to my parents and told them what I wanted to do, and they were behind me 100%. Timing is everything, and I never thought now would be the time.

This was a short read but hopefully an inspirational one! My readers keep me going and I wouldn’t have this ongoing platform if it wasn’t for you all! From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Also, “thank you” to everyone to comment on my last post about what to write about next. My creative juices started flowing immediately! I will be writing about your suggestions over the next few weeks! So here we go…

My official website: Click Here

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Well, that’s all folks!

‘Til Next Time! 🌹


Travel Series 2 (Thailand and Indonesia)

The Best Present from a Parent is a Travel Trip: Both Near and Far ❤️


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