
Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

“It’s the one thing you can control. You are responsible for how people remember you—or don’t. So don’t take it lightly.” -Kobe Bryant

Good morning/afternoon/evening fellow readers. Some plans changed as far as the next few readings go. As you all probably heard, the world was shocked by the heartbreaking news that basketball icon Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash. Along with him were his daughter and seven other victims (whose names I will post later). Before Sunday, I had planned on posting my travel series, but I felt as if it wasn’t right to do so knowing this news. Sadly, we live in a time where people post hoax and fake news online, stating a celebrity died. It always made me so angry, but people post it for clicks and likes. To me, it’s inhumane. A lot of times, we scroll past the fake news with relief, knowing it isn’t real. This time…I was really hoping I was reading fake news. Even as I type this post, it doesn’t seem real. That day, my boyfriend and I stayed on our phones pretty much the whole day. Kobe Bryant was my generation’s, Michael Jordan. He was more than a basketball star. That’s when I started to think about his wife and daughters. I began to think about the families of these loved ones. I called my parents that morning because I knew it was time for my family.

There’s been so much controversy in less than a week from the accident. First, there was the thing about TMZ reporting the news before the police could even tell his wife and now saying it’s all a conspiracy. Now, the #GirlDad is going around because of what Vanessa Bryant said in her tribute to her husband and daughter. Fathers are now posting pictures of themselves with their daughters and daughters with their fathers with that same #GirlDad or #DaddysGirls. While the hashtag is sweet in spite of the sad news, some believe it may be inappropriate to post these pictures because they may look like “bragging.” Some are saying that it’s disrespectful, and some people are saying it’s not. Here’s my opinion on the whole thing:

As humans, we will never fully understand why something like this happens. I started to think about when my nephew passed away before I had the chance to even hold him, know him, tell him I love him. I was young when he passed, but from that heartbreak, I discovered a love as an aunt that I thought only mothers had. Two years later, my niece Lexi was born. I made a promise that I would tell her I love her every time I saw her, I would protect her, hug her, get to know her, cherish her. Of course, then came Lana, then Nia, and so many other nieces and nephews. My point is, the domino impact of something sad can turn into something joyous. Because of the accident that happened Sunday, I’m seeing all people, celebrities included, patch things up with rivals and family because they realized tomorrow is not promised to us. Old disputes and disagreements, they really don’t matter when you look at the bigger picture. I’m not saying you’ll never have another argument again in life. I’m saying after that argument or disagreement with that loved one, take a step back, forgive, hug, and work it out. Even if you need time, still forgive.

If anything, this incident made me want to live life even more. Yes, I am a world traveler, but things like money, traffic, that rude person that didn’t hold the door, Starbucks didn’t get my order right, these small things that we allow to make us frustrated IS JUST NOT WORTH IT.  I plan on smiling more. Although I pray every morning, every night, and throughout the day, I don’t smile enough because of the weight of the world. Y’all know what I’m talking about. “I have to go pick up this, I have to do this, I need to go here, I need to call her, I need to figure this out…”. Stop, Breathe. Smile. SBS. Remember that.




On the days when you don’t feel like smiling, just breathe. I wanted to write about this, but some words I just couldn’t get out. There are no mistakes in God’s plans. If you didn’t get anything I said today, then just love one another. That’s all. To the victims, may your lives be examples, may your love always be felt, and may your memories live on.

Image result for kobe bryant and the victims

‘Til Next Time ❤️

The Best Present from a Parent is a Travel Trip: Both Near and Far ❤️

A Different December

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