A Different December

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Image result for its december! gif

WOOO HOOOO!!!! Y’all…I made it to December! Phew. I hope people have up their lights, wearing boots, and being kind! (Well, you should be kind all year…but I digress.) Alrighty, let’s do this!

The last time you all heard from me…I was going through a rough time. Everyone knows, but if you’re new, I catch you up a little bit. I am currently teaching in China. This isn’t my first time away from home, but this is my first time dealing with certain situations. Clashing of teaching styles, clashing of cultures, sticking out like a sore thumb, different school schedules than from back from the US. I’m a go-getter, so I’m used to adjusting and getting through difficult situations. But this is like…ringing me through fire. But every morning I wake up, thank God, and go about my day. Of course, some mornings are harder than others. More like this:

Image result for groggy morning gif

December has always been the best time of the year for me. This month always reminded me of when I was in college. Finishing up the end of the semester, thanking God, you didn’t pull your hair out. Christmas decorations in my dorm and exchanging presents with my friends. Packing up my car the night before that way after my last final, I could head home. Sitting through traffic and then finally making it back. Pulling into the driveway, walking in the house, and my parents hugging me because I’ll be home for the next month before next semester. Anxiously waiting for my grades to show up online while my mom bakes cookies. But this year is different…Now, I’m creating final exams, grading, sending into evaluations, decorating a tree with my boyfriend, hanging out with friends, and being excited about upcoming travel trips. It’s a different December but a good December.

I will be making a Christmas post in a few weeks! That way, I can show how we decorated! Although I miss my family, I am excited for the rest of this month! With that being said, check out what I’ve been up lately! Lastly, I know this will be late, but I found this “Advent of Kindness” December Calendar on social media. It’s really beautiful, and although we should be kind all year round, it’s good to be reminded to do so.


I hoped you enjoyed it! Don’t worry, more positive thoughts coming soon!  ☺️

‘Til Next Time ❤️

Endings in Stories Should Come First

It’s Okay to be Wrong: A Lesson on Pride

China Travel Series (Part 1)


3 thoughts on “A Different December

  1. Lady Sheila Bullock December 18, 2019 — 7:57 PM

    Dear Lillian S,
    So glad to read another blog of yours. Very cheerful, uplifting and I like the Kindness Advent Calendar.
    Much love,
    Mom ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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