Why Do You Write? 🤔

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

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Bruce Almighty

Hello fellow readers! M.A. Graduate here! (I love saying that). The week after graduation has been treating me well. Because I am a busy bee, I have not stopped since last Friday. I have not caught up on my sleep yet either, which is okay! I have been attending a writer’s retreat at my school this week and let me tell you, it’s just what I needed. I have been discovering and exploring things about myself. Not only that, I have picked up a few writing tips that I wanted to share with you all!

Growing up, I didn’t talk a lot unless I was comfortable around you. What I did was write a lot. I kept so many diaries and journals that I am still finding them! Writing was a way for me to get whatever was in my head down on paper. I was able to think clearly and feel burdens being lifted. However, somewhere along the way, it seems as if society changed how I wrote without me even realizing it. I started to watch more television, social media rose to the top, and I stopped writing. But after attending this retreat, I began to revisit my old ways of writing and thinking and have had fewer distractions by things such as YouTube and the fridge.

Here are 8 tips to help you continue your writing journey as well as become better writers and creators:

1. Cut out distractions: I know it’s hard, but really try to eliminate as many distractions as you can. I personally deleted my social media (which I will talk about at another time), but by not having the urge to go on Facebook or Instagram, I got so much more work finished. My quality of writing was even better than before! So try to put away your phone when it comes to writing time. (This includes Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, Shaderoom or whatever its called.)

2.Set Goals: This helps you stay organized! Setting writing goals that are realistic and works around your personal life (work, kids, grocery shopping, etc.) can really allow yourself more time for writing and less stressing!

3. Change your environment: It wasn’t until this writer’s retreat that I was taught to change the setting. During the morning session, we are in one room. The afternoon session we change buildings and sometimes even work outside (when it’s nice of course). Changing your scenery really enhances your creative process!

4. Have confidence: Try not to think, “Well, this work isn’t good.” I say, just write! Us writers tend to be harder on ourselves, and it can cause a damper on our confidence levels. Be confident! Your productivity will increase, I promise you!

5. Join a writer’s group: See if you can join a writer’s retreats or local groups that come together every week (or as often as you can). Being in a space with other writers and authors can bring out ideas that you never thought you had. It’s always good to have a group of writers to run things by! Which brings me to my next point:

6. Share your work: When you are a writer, it is scary and sometimes embarrassing to share your work to others. Especially when it is in first draft form. Often times, I’ve found sharing helped me more while staying silent hurt my writing.

7. Revise, Edit, Rewrite: While I was getting my B.A. in Creative Writing, my professors always told me, “A paper is never done no matter how many times you revise it.” They were right! Your paper could always be better. There is no such thing as a “perfect paper.” That’s why revising, editing, and rewriting is so important. It may not become perfect, but it will always become better and better, and that’s what we want!

8. Create a portfolio: This was an idea that my M.A. professor and advisor in my program suggested. When you are finished with your writing, in any form, create an online portfolio. This would be a website of yourself, your work, accomplishments, professionalism, and educational use. That way, when you apply for a job, you can put the link on it, and they can see it! I use WordPress.com since it’s very easy to use and it’s free! (Sidebar: You can always create a paper portfolio and keep it! Digital creations are so high in demand, that I figured an online collection would be a good suggestion! 😊)

Well, I hope these tips were useful! Hopefully, you’ll be able to use them for your writing! Share with a friend! And I leave you with this question to think about over the next week, “Why do YOU write?” 

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‘Til Next Time! ❤

P.S.: For my Americans, enjoy your holiday weekend! But remember why you have a day off in the first place. We remember the ones who have served and died while serving their country in the United States Armed Forces. It’s not just a day to have a cookout. It is a day to remember the privilege we all have that we can have a cookout.😊 🇺🇸)

Catch up on the blogs! 

I Graduated! (Again!)

A Hard Act to Follow: A Mother’s Day Message

*Crooked Smile*




5 thoughts on “Why Do You Write? 🤔

  1. Sheila Bullock June 1, 2019 — 10:37 AM

    Hello Lillian,
    Thank you for the writing tips. Lately, I have been asked more than several times when I will write my next book. I think about it, but move on to the task at hand. You have to be serious about writing if you want to accomplish it. After reading your post, I am reconsidering another book but shhhhhh, let’s just keep that under wraps for now 😊 Thank you my dear.
    Much love,

    Liked by 1 person

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