What’s Another Word for Exasperated?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

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A Different World

Hello fellow readers. I apologize in advance for my monotonous, dull voice this blog. Honestly, I am just not feeling my usual self. I’ve always felt bad about expressing how I was feeling or what I was going through because on many occasions the words, “there’s always someone in a worse position as you,” which is completely true. I believe I am the type of person who is aware of the privileges that I have. I have a roof over my head, access to clean water, shoes, all the things that I use every day I am grateful for. Sometimes when I open a new bottle of water, I whisper to God, “Thank you for clean water.” I don’t take that lightly. However, personal issues will always be there. Whether they are big or small. That phrase still rings in my head, and it has haunted me into adulthood. I am reluctant to speak my mind or say how I am really feeling. So here’s my advice to you:

Don’t you EVER let someone make you feel like your feelings aren’t important. Your feelings and whatever situation you are dealing with MATTERS. It is a significant part of your life, your growth, your newfound knowledge, and wisdom. If you keep those feelings in because you’ll feel like someone is going to make you feel bad about being a human being with natural and normal feelings, then I suggest three things:

  1. You have to get it out. In one way, shape, or form, you have to let out those feelings. Don’t be a “Tissue Stuffer” like me. A Tissue Stuffer is someone who needs to let out their feelings (use a tissue) but instead keeps putting new tissues in the box (your feelings) until the point where there’s no more room, and the tissues start to overflow (a breakdown in the car on the highway eating french fries).
  2. Following number one, if you need to get those feelings out then write in a journal or diary. If you’re reading this and you’re saying in your head, “I don’t have time, I’m not a writer, I’m not a journal person, etc.” that’s okay! You don’t have to do or be those things. You’ll be surprised how amazing you’ll feel after writing. It’s 2019, type your feelings away! You could write an email to yourself (use your personal email), and just type. Don’t worry about those annoying red lines; express how you feel. You could either send it to yourself or delete it. The point is that you got it out.
  3. The last thing I suggest is that you talk to someone. It doesn’t have to be to the person who made you feel as if your feelings are insignificant but talk to anyone you trust. Now, this is going to sound strange and completely “out there” but talk to a stranger. I’m not saying walk up to some random person on the street. Talk to an outsider who doesn’t know you very well and just ask if you could talk to them in private. Could be a classmate, teacher, someone you see at the gym every day, anybody!

Moving forward, I am not going to let anyone make my feelings seem small. People often look at where I live, what I wear, or my age and say, “What problems could you possibly have?” I push through difficult times as we all do. Doesn’t mean nothing is going on. I encourage you to push through. This is just one chapter out of your big book called life. Don’t close your book in the middle of your chapter. Well, ta-ta for now!

‘Til Next Time! ❤ 

Forget Studying! Hang Upside Down

China Travel Series (Part 1)

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