3. A Street of Gold 👑

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

“The magic of the street is the mingling of the errand and the epiphany.” 

― Rebecca Solnit


It doesn’t take a lot for me to be wowed. I could be given a bar of chocolate when I’m having a bad day, and I’ll be happy for a week. I’ve always been that way. However, there’s only been a few times in my life where the special moment that was considered my “chocolate bar” was almost too much for me to handle. Day three was one of those moments. After walking for a few blocks, my boyfriend simply jollied his way leading the way and holding my hand to my special surprise; my chocolate bar. The streets before we arrived were your typical dark roads with, what seemed like fluorescent lights, paving the way. Although I love my chocolate bars, I actually don’t like surprises. (Before you roll your eyes, let me explain.) I am a curious person and love a good mystery, but I also like to be in the loop of what’s going on. (Maybe that’s why I’ve never received a surprise party yet🤔.) Anyway, I like to know what is going to happen. Ironically, I fell in love with someone who is the king of surprises. I love the thought behind it, but I crave to know what it is! (And of course, he knows this and wouldn’t even give me a hint.)

Suddenly, the dark streets creaked open the door to what made me gasped and get glassy-eyed. To my right, was a street of gold. It seemed like this street went on for miles. The pictures don’t even compare to how beautiful this street was. At that moment, it felt like he had given me diamonds in the palm of my hands. The inner child in me asked him, “Can I take a picture?” I was so excited, I didn’t want to embarrass him. It seemed like I was the only one who was pretty much freaking out…like…no one sees this street of gold?! After I took my pictures and videos, he turned me and said, “What do you think?” Shaking my head, I whispered, “I’m speechless.” In the crowd at that moment, it was just him and me.

Something that I admire and come to realize about my boyfriend is how calculated his surprises really are. He is very particular about how it’s supposed to go. Even when the reaction is great, he had things planned out in his head a certain way. I’ve never mocked him for it or told him to just “get over it.” Respectfully, I’ve always confirmed how happy I was and grateful that he would do something so special for me. Day three showed me how his brain worked. He was actually disappointed. Not by my reaction but because there was something he had planned in his head for someone he loved and it didn’t go as planned. This made me think about something that’s, in my opinion, pretty phenomenal. What if we made our lives as calculated as his mind? By that, I mean this: Making the small moments big and the big moments everlasting. What if we lifted our heads from screens and paid attention to the people around us? Would we try to treat them like how they should be treated? He didn’t have to go to google. How creative would we get?

Here’s your next journal prompt: What’s your “street of gold” for someone else? It doesn’t have to be romantically for your partner. It could be for your children, best friend, parents, siblings, or extended family. It could be for anyone who deserves it. (keyword: ‘deserves’.) When was the last time you calculated a surprise for someone else that wasn’t for their birthday or Valentine’s Day? A random day in December type of surprise. If you have something in mind, write it down!

Lesson 3/10: “If you see a street of gold and a river of color, embrace that undiscovered universe. Freeze it in time until it’s solid and never let it thaw.” -Lilly S. ✨

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4/10 I will finally reveal where I went (if you haven’t guessed by now!) I will also be writing a part two to this blog’s lesson. Stay tuned!

‘Til Next Time ❤

Part 4:

4. A River of Color 🌈




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